Friday, October 18, 2013

Week Recap

October 14, 2013

Well it has been a week as any other here in the Grand Junction 4th ward.  More and more my box of Rice Krispie countdown treats dwindles as I reach the final stretch of my mission. 

As far as the news center goes, again, not much really happened this week.  We had extensive car troubles owing to a lot of time at the Sears Auto center, but I made good work of it.  While sitting in the waiting room, I talked to an older lady sitting next to me.  After the beginning pleasantries, I learned that she had lived in Ogden, Utah, for a time and she told me she had a dream that before we were all born, we all lived in a great "city" in heaven.  I explained our belief in premortal existence, and she was greatly intrigued.  Naturally the subject rose to religion.  She grew up Catholic, but doesn't practice, and currently is a freelance Christian.  I explained what we did as missionaries and what our purpose is in the two years we have.  It was a wonderful conversation.  It confirmed something to me that I sort of previously had already known from similar experiences.  That people are naturally curious.  It effortlessly glided into the subject of religion, and she had questions.  I didn't really need to "bring anything up" so to speak to discuss it.  She knew I was religious, and felt comfortable sharing with me what she had dreamed about.  I just expounded upon what she had said.  She had to leave rather abruptly after we had talked but she told me that the next time she sees missionaries she will talk to them.  I realized that it's these types of things that happen to people that get them to investigate.  Although I will not be the missionary to teach her, some missionary somewhere along the road will be able to do so, and because of the experience she had with me, she will already have a good opinion of the missionary she talks to. 

What a great way to spread the gospel.  It reminded me of a time in Christ’s life where he was talking to the woman at the well, how the conversation started quite normally.  He simply asked her for a drink of water.  And then he effortlessly explains the need for a never ending supply of water that will forever quench thirst.  She then ASKED QUESTIONS because she was NATURALLY CURIOUS.  It was then the Savior announced to her who he was, and what he had to offer.  It was a great experience to show how we can touch the hearts of those around us.

Elder Bringhurst

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